Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tomorrow is closing day! Yippee!
We hired Big Mountain Landscaping to do our front yard. They did a magnificent job. They brought in top soil and boulders to build a retaining wall around the front of the house. That window will become Callie's (our cat) perch. Barb is planting shrubs that will attract butterflies and birds. We will put the bird feeder and bird bath there also.


Barb said...

Now if I can just keep Dave from walking on the new sod, it's driving the landscaping crazy that "someone" with size 11 shoes keeps walking on the new sod :)

Stephen and Debbie said...

The house is beautiful! I am so excited to come and see it!
Dave- Stop walking on the grass!!!

Dave said...

I swear it wasn't me :(